IRB News & Updates 

IRB Canvas Shell: If you have any questions about your research or information that the IRB is looking for in applications, please visit our IRB resource café on Canvas. The Canvas course shell is under IRB Training and Guidance If you do not have access, please reach out to the IRB office at irb@thechicagoschoo​

IRB Pre-Submission Meetings: The IRB continues to offer pre-submission meetings to all researchers prior to completing and submitting their IRB applications. During these meetings, the IRB staff will go over recruitment and consent form documents with researchers. In addition, a consult will be performed to explain how these documents can be used to assist in the completion of the full IRB application. If you want to sign up for a pre-submission meeting, please email the IRB at [email protected]. Please be sure to include the draft of your recruitment and consent form documents with request.  

Recruitment for Research Studies:

​Study Title: The Experience of Female Divorcees After Marrying Young in the Christian Church

This study is about accurately capturing the phenomenology and lived experiences of female divorcees who have undergone a marriage and subsequent divorce within the Christian Church. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.


Study Title: Losing passion for work: A phenomenological study of professionals' lived experiences

This study is about understanding the lived experiences of individuals who have experienced a decline in their passion for work. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.


Study Title: The Current Multi-Generational Workforce

This study is about discovering more about today's multi-generational workforce and its existing differences relative to employed individuals and their workforce experiences and views. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.


Study Title: Mental Health Professionals' Experiences Integrating Ancestral Wisdom in Clinical Practice– A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study

This study is about understanding how ancestral wisdom, traditionally viewed as separate from clinical therapy, is integrated into contemporary therapeutic practices. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.


Study Title: Toward a Synthesis of ACT and Precision Inners: Dimensional Change in Loving, Distressing, and Values-based Behavior

This study is about comparing how daily 1-minute timings of positive self-affirmations and Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) change the frequencies of distressing and self-loving thoughts and feelings, as well as values-based behavior of individual students. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.


Study Title: Exploring Intersections of Ethnic and Gender Identity in Impostor Phenomenon in Psychology Doctoral Students

The study is about exploring how the potential for age, ethnicity, and gender may serve as a factor related to imposter phenomenon in psychology doctoral students. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.


Study Title: The Gut Keeps The Score: Knowledge, Training, and Attitudes Regarding the “Second Brain" in Graduate Psychology Students

This study is about graduate psychology students' knowledge, training and attitudes regarding the importance of the gut-brain connection in treating anxiety and depression. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.​

Study Title: The Supervision Process: Supervisory Working Alliance (SWA) and Its Impact on Trainee Self-Efficacy and General Well-Being

This study is about the supervisory process and how the working alliance between a supervisor and supervisee impacts trainee development, both personally and professionally. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.

Study Title: Thrive: An Adlerian-Based Social Skills Recovery Pilot Program

This study is about assessing the usefulness of an Adlerian-based social skills recovery group program for young adult offenders, aiming to reduce symptoms of substance use disorders and antisocial behaviors. If interested in participating, please see here for more information.​