​​​Why is a Student Referred to SCS?​

A student may be referred to SCS for a variety of reasons.

Violation of The Chicago School Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct presents the minimum standards of conduct for all students. It is expected that students behave in a way that is consistent with the Code of Conduct whether on-campus or off-campus, including cyberspace. Visit the Student Handbook for more details. Click the "​Student Rights & Responsibilities" section for the full Code of Conduct.  

​​Breach of Academic Ethics, Integrity, and Responsibility Policies

The Chicago School expects community members to function within an environment of honesty and credibility that leads to trust in each other. Academic ethics, int​egrity, and responsibility together are defined as producing original, truthful academic work and are a vital component of this trust. A student is expected to submit original work and to refrain from plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, or misrepresentation of academic record as each of these violates this policy and The Chicago School’s principles

Breach of Professional Behavior Policies                                                                                           

Behaviors that violate professional behavior standards may result in a referral to SCS. These include behaviors that substantially interfere with the development of professional competence or professional relations, inadequate progress towards the development of clinical skills, failure to act in accordance with school rules and/or policies, unprofessional conduct, illegal conduct, and/or conduct that is contrary to ethical standards.

Failure to Make Expected Progress Toward Degree

A student who fails to make ​timely progress toward their degree may be referred to SCS. This can occur when a student fails to make expected progress on their thesis, dissertation, or applied research project as defined by their research project chair.

Failure to Meet the Conditions of an Academic Development Plan (ADP)

An ADP is used to support a student in the successful completion of a degree program. Visit the The Chicago School Student Handbook to learn about Academic Development Plans. Click the "Student Rights & Responsibilities" section for the ADP policy. A student who fails to successfully complete an ADP may be referred to SCS.