The Chicago School's Commitment to Diversity

​The Chicago School is committed to be a learning community that fosters an environment of mutual respect and inclusion where diversity and human rights are valued and where the learning environ​ment is enhanced by each community member. Using an intersectional lens, The Chicago School recognizes that members of our learning community hold memberships in various cultures and other diverse aspects of the human experience, e.g., race, gender, gender identity, age, religion, spirituality, sexual/affectional orientation, ability, class, and socioeconomic status which enhances our understanding of contexts and promotes cultural competency.

​The Oath of Affirmation​ and Diversity

This Oath is taken at the start of a student's program at The Chicago School and again at the Commencement Ceremony. 

  • “I hereby affirm that I shall discharge the responsibilities of my profession in a manner consistent with respect for the dignity and worth of individuals and communities and that I shall strive for the preservation and protection of fundamental human rights; 
  • That I shall seek to increase knowledge of human behavior, cultures, and experiences to increase self-understanding and understanding of others, and that I shall use such knowledge for the promotion of dignity and human rights; 
  • That I shall seek to embrace the profession’s commitment to understand and respect individual, social, contextual, and cultural differences;  
  • That I shall diligently protect the ​​human rights of those who seek my services, and that I shall use my skills only in the furtherance of human rights and the integrity of the individual; 
  • That I sha​ll strive to acknowledge and remove systemic barriers that prevent the ability of groups, individuals, and organizations to access services that promote the well-being of all;   
  • And that I shall well and truly recognize the traditions, ethics, and boundaries of my profession, and that I shall subscribe to these traditions and ethics freely and upon my honor. 
  • As a representative of The Chicago School Community, I hereby affirm to actively participate in this learning and professional community by embracing its commitment to understand and respect individual, social, contextual, and cultural differences. As such, I will seek to gain knowledge of human difference that I may increase my understanding of self and others, and I will see​k to build an environment of mutual respect and inclusion where all are valued.”