​​​​Student Experience Survey2025 SES Banner.png

The Chicago School​ invites you to share feedback on your experiences at the School via the annual Student Experience Survey. This survey explores the factors that influence your growth and development as a person and as a professional. Your ideas and suggestions are used to improve support services, inform academic practices, and better meet the needs of all in our learning community.​​​ ​​​

​​2021 SURVey

​Click here​ for the 2021 Report.​

2020 SURVEY 

​​Click below​ to explore highlights from the 2020 Student Experience Survey. ​​

Loyalty (2020)

Loyalty (1).png

Diversity (2020)


Professional Behavior (2020)


Click Here for the 2020 report. 


2019 SURVEY ​​

​Click below​ to explore highlights from the 2019 Student Experience Survey. ​​

Loyalty (2019)


Diversity (2019)


Professional Behavior (2019)

​​​Prof Behav 1.png
Prof Behav 2.png

Click Here for the 2019 report. 


2018 Survey 

​Click below​ to explore highlights from the 2018 Student Experience Survey. ​​

Loyalty (2018)

​​​​​​​Loyalty Resize2.png

Diversity (2018)

Diversity Resize.png 

Professional Behavior & Practice (2018)

Prof Behavior.png
Click Here for the full 2018 report. 


2017 Survey 

Click below​ to explore highlights from the 2017 Student Experience Survey. ​

Loyalty (2017)

2017 Loyalty.png

Diversity (2017)

​​​​2017 Diversity.png

Professional Behavior & Practice

​​2017 Prof Behavior 1.png
2017 Prof Behavior 2.png 

Click her​e for the full 2017 report.