Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral Writing Support

The Office of Student Writing and Learning offers customized, detailed feedback on course assignments, discussion posts, proposal and dissertation chapter drafts, and just about any other writing you do for The Chicago School. We focus on both higher-order (organization, flow, logic, tone) and lower-order (grammar, mechanics, APA) concerns in our reviews, and you have the opportunity to request that we prioritize our feedback to fit your needs. 

Statistics Support

The Statistics Tutors provide statistical tutoring services for The Chicago School students who need extra help in calculating statistical data in SPSS, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft Power Bi, such as variance, standard deviation, linear regression, and multiple linear regression. Charting, plotting, and analyzing data of average value (mean), most frequently occurring value (mode), mean, range, and median are also provided. Tutoring assignment services consist of calculating a mean, median, mode, and range of numbers or finding a missing number, finding probability distribution, finding z-scores, p-values, finding values of normal variables, distribution of samples for data and charting data for analysis, and interpretation. 


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