Writing and Learning Support in Chicago

Help Using the Writing Center:

The Office of Student Writing and Learning offers three appointment options for Chicago-based students seeking help with writing or statistics:

  1. In-Person Appointments (Walk-Ins Welcome!) - Check our schedule online and stop by the Writing Center on the 10th floor of 325 N Wells
  2. Virtual Meet Online (e.g. Zoom) Appointments
  3. eTutoriong Asynchronous Appointments - Your writing coach will email you feedback within 48 hours of your appointment date

Click here to access WCOnline, our appointment scheduling system.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Frequently asked questions:

Can I make an appointment now and upload my document later?

Yes! You can attach your file to the appointment through our online calendar at any point up to the appointment start time. We will try to send you a reminder the day of your appointment if we do not yet see a file attached. Appointments will be canceled if no file is uploaded by 10 minutes after the appointment start time.

What do I do if I'm running late for an appointment?

Your writing or statistics coach will wait for you until 10 minutes after the start of the appointment then cancel the appointment. If you know you are late but are planning to attend, contact [email protected] to let us know. Otherwise, please visit our calendar to reschedule for a later time.

Can I submit my dissertation for review?

Yes! We accept dissertation chapters for in-person or written feedback.When scheduling, filter appointment options by "Dissertation Writing"

Are pre-formatted APA document templates available?

Yes! The dissertation template, along with the dissertation manual and other important forms, can be accessed on the Dissertation Documents​ page. The assignment template is accessible through the Office of Student Writing and Learning​ website.