
The purpose of The Resilience Fund is to provide limited financial relief ($500 or less) to Chicago School students whose academic success is impacted by an unexpected or unforeseen emergency or extenuating circumstance that occurs within the same academic period as the request.

Eligibility Criteria

​Application to the Resilience Fund is open to an individual who is an active student at The Chicago School.

Examples of expenses that are considered an emergency or extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to:  
  • ​​​Loss of equipment or books due to a disaster  
  • Emergency rent or utility relief  
  • Safety-related expenses  
  • Sudden loss of income ​
Examples of expenses that are not considered an emergency or extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to:  
  • ​​​Tuition and fees
  • Legal fees and court fines
  • Non-essentials bills such as credit card bills, cable, etc.
  • Costs for entertainment and travel

How To Request Funds

The Resilience Fund is open and ready to support Chicago School students in need! ​Click here to submit a request for funding.

A student in need of emergency financial assistance can apply by completing and submitting The Resil​ience ​F​und Request Form​​. Once submitted, the Resilience Fund Team (RFT) will meet to review and discuss the request to determine if funding is appropriate, and if so, the appropriate amount. Students can expect to receive communication within 14 business days following submission of the form. Submitted requests will be decided based upon the information provided on the request form and any supporting documentation that is provided. If approved, funds will be paid via Visa e-gift card. Submission of a request form neither guarantees an approved request nor promises an amount requested.​