​A Chicago School graduate has experience integrating their knowledge and skills in areas that facilitate student engagement in the classroom, socially, and relative to local, national, and global challenges. The Chicago School faculty and administration take seriously the mission to provide an excellent education by integrating theory, professional practice, and innovation. Therefore, all degree programs are designed to equip graduates with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to assume leadership roles in the community. It is expected that graduates will be able to generate and apply knowledge in real world situations, to make evidence-based decisions, to monitor progress toward personal and professional goals, and ultimately to improve the quality of life in the communities they serve.

Community Partnerships

Mission Statement

The Community Partnerships Department creates a bridge between The Chicago School, as well as local and global communities in which it resides.  This bridge supports students, faculty, staff, and community partners in their quest to create reciprocal learning, inspiration, engagement, and service; the result is a transformational experience for all. 

Community Partnerships Team

The Community Partnerships Department acts as the “community engagement hub" and initial point of contact for our faculty, staff, and students and many of our partner community organizations.  The Community Partnerships team includes Jill Glenn, LCSW (Executive Director), Dr. Nadia Rojas-Jones, EdD LMFT (Associate Director & Marriage Family Therapy Department Faculty), an AmeriCorps VISTA, and a Graduate Assistant.  The team supports faculty and students in the following ways: develops service-learning opportunities, places students in mutually beneficial community-based volunteer, College Work Study (CWS), Federal Work Study (FWS), and Fellowship positions, designs novel, sustainable, impactful, and meaningful community-based experiences.

Learn more about The Social Justice Leadership Academy:

Contact Us

Jill Glenn, LCSW
Executive Director of Community Partnerships
​(312) 410-8991

Nadia R. Jones, EdD, LMFT
Associate Director of Community Partnerships
​(213) 283-4230​