SCS Referrals​​

​Click the questions below to learn more about what happens when a student is referred to SCS.​​ 


I have been referred to SCS. What does that mean?

Your academic department has referred you for allegedly violating the University Community Norms and Standards, for failure to meet the requirements of your ADP, or for failure to make expected progress in your academic program. This referal will result in your case being heard through one of the following pathways - Administrative, Conference, or Hearing. Informatoin about the pathways is in the SCS policy in the Student Handbook. 

What is included in a referral and Notice?

A Referral Notice (Notice) will be sent to you at your Chicago School email address. Your Notice will be sent via Maxient, the school's case management system. Look for an email from SCS sent via Maxient, and click the link in that email to retrieve your Notice. The Notice includes a link to your referral materials, e.g., referral letter, e-mail correspondence, unofficial transcript, previous Academic Development Plan, housed on One Drive. 

The Notice will include:
  • Reason for referral
  • Required action steps
  • Due dates
The following individuals will be copied on the Notice:
  • Academic Program Lead
  • Associate Department Chair, where applicable
  • Faculty Advisor, where applicable
  • Office of Placement and Training representative, where applicable
  • Research Project Chair, where applicable

What is a support person?

If your Notice indicates that you must attend a Hearing, you have the right to include one Chicago School faculty member or one non-student staff member in the hearing to act as your support person. During your hearing, your support person may be asked to speak about your openness to feedback, your work to remediate the matter that led to your referral, and your growth over time. ​

Your support person cannot answer questions on your behalf before, during, or after the Hearing. ​

Who should I select as my support person?

You are limited to one support person. Many students choose to have their faculty advisor serve as their support person. Some students choose another Chicago School faculty member or non-student staff member who they feel can best support them throughout the SCS process.

Once you select your support person, send their first and last name and position at the school to [email protected] by the due date stated in your Notice.

What is the written response to SCS referral? How should I write it?

You have the right to present a written response to your referral. Please consider using SCS's Stud​ent's​ Response to Referral Template​​. If you submit a written response after the deadline stated in the Notice, SCS is not obligated to consider it.