Getting Started

Prior to completing your IRB Application please read the information below. Failure to follow instructions carefully could result in your application being returned without review.

  1. Human Subjects Protection Training: All investigators (student or faculty) and Dissertation/Thesis Chairs must complete the CITI online ethics training course prior to preparing an IRB application.

    • Create an account using your Chicago School email address at

    • Select “TCS Education” as your affiliate institution

    • Select Social & Behavioral Research learner group to complete the required modules

    • Upload your completion report (containing modules and scores) at the time of submission in the Electronic Submission System

  2. Read the Categories of Review​​ info sheet and consider which category of review applies to your study.

  3. Read the Informed Consent Process info sheet and consider which process applies to your study. To ensure that all required elements are included, the following templates must be used when creating your consent documents. 

  4. Review the IRB guidelines when creating Advertisements for Research  

  5. Review the information included in the Additional Resources tab on the left.​​

 Accessing the Submission System

​To access Cayuse, use the following link:

Please log into Cayuse using your Chicago School credentials (email & password). If you have trouble logging in to the system please contact the IRB office at [email protected].