Previous Winners
There were many students who presented posters at the GRF last year, and they all did a wonderful job! Here are the winners from previous years' events:
2020 National virtual grf winners
2020 Virtual GRF finalists
DC Campus
2018 Winners
Chicago Campus
Michael Nutt, Clinical Psychology, Psy.D.
Poster Titled: “Come Here and See” Using PhotoVoice to Understand Youth Perceptions of Growing up with Community Violence
Deonna Kitwana, Clinical Psychology, Psy. D
Poster Titled: “Tough Love: A Grounded Theory Study the Explores the Impact of Historical Oppression on African American Mother-Daughter Relationships & Perception of Mothers in the Black Family”
Kathryn Paul, Clinical Psychology, Psy. D
Poster Titled: “Making a Terrorist: Psychology Risk Factors in the Recruitment of Female Suicide-Homicide Bombers”
Kathleen Carroll-Wray, Clinical Psychology, Psy.D
Poster Titled: “Program Development: School Based Yoga Interventions for Elementary School Aged Children with High Functioning Autism”
Ronald Love, Clinical Psychology, Psy. D
Poster Titled: “Changing Our Narrative: A Program Development that Provides Clinical Intervention and Community Services to African American Male Adolescents Exposed to Community Violence”
Ethan Swift, Clinical Psychology, Psy. D
Poster Titled: “My Gender is “F*ck it”: A Cultural Exploration of Gender Anarchy in the United States’ Transgender Communities”
Meghan Chapman, Clinical Psychology, Psy. D
Poster Titled: “Internet Use, Burnout, and Self-Care”
Kat Jones, Clinical Psychology, Psy. D
Poster Titled: “Sub-Fems: An Exploration of the Intersectionality of Empowerment Through Submissive Identity, Grounded in Feminist Theory. A Qualitative Study Exploring the Felt Sense of Empowerment that is Gained Through Submissive Identity Within the Kink Community”
Sarah Pekoc, Clinical Psychology, Psy. D
Poster Titled: “The Traumatic Effects of Cultural and Familial Oppression on Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors and Treatment”
Washington D.C. Campus
Marylin Marquez-Orellana, International Psychology, PhD
Poster Titled: “Psychological functioning and resiliency in survivors of the Salvadorian civil war massacre of El Mozote, Morazan”
Meerim Shakirova, International Psychology, PhD
Poster Titled: “Behavior change of local community members through capacity building learning activities on use and management of forest resources in Cote d’Ivoire”
Ayaba Sedjro, Forensic Psychology, MA
Poster Titled: “The Cycle of Abuse Amongst Juvenile Offenders”
Southern California Campuses
Nemetria Wilson, Clinical Psychology, Psy.D
Poster Titled: “Sexuality Education for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Staff Training”
Heidi Ramirez, Forensic Psychology, Psy.D
Poster Titled: “The Effects of Human Animal Interaction in Assessing the Changes of Negative Thinking Patterns, Emotional Intelligence and Empathy with At-Risk Youth”
Elijah Morrow, Forensic Psychology, Psy.D
Poster Titled: “Cognitive and Affective Empathy in Sexual Offenders: A Meta-Analysis”
Online Campus
Robin Arnall, Applied Behavior Analysis, PhD
Poster Titled: “Stimulus Equivalence using Non-Visual Stimuli”
Archana Rajareddy, Applied Behavior Analysis, M.S.
Poster Titled: “The Effect of SAFMEDS to Increase Fluency of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms Among Medical Students and Physician Assistant Students”
James Moore, Organizational Leadership, PhD
Poster Titled: “Understanding the Needs of Mentors in Faculty Mentoring Programs”
Melody Brown, Master of Public Health
Poster Titled: “Examining the Relationship Between Mass Shootings and State Firearm Provisions, 2014-2017.”
2017 Winners
Chicago Campus
Michele Hanhapl, Clinical Psychology, PsyD
Poster Titled: “Female Preadolescents' Receptivity to Maternal Social Coaching as Moderated by Attachment Style”
Natalie Nordlund and Briana Naseer, School Psychology
Poster Titled: “Using the Systems Problem-Solving Consultation Model to Facilitate School Change”
Katelyn Moriah Smith-Bresky, Clinical Psychology, PsyD
Poster Titled: “Attachment Narrative Therapy in a Parent Group”
Washington DC Campus
Jamie Reedy, International Psychology PhD
Poster Titled: “Pediatric Oncology Parental/Caregiver Training in Play Therapy Techniques”
Rosalind Rogers, International Psychology PhD
Poster Titled: “Intergenerational Trauma among Afghan Refugees in Canada”
Ta-Keisha Smith and Claire Perkins, Clinical Psychology PsyD
Poster Titled: “Infertility, Family Planning, and Psychological Distre
Southern California Campuses
Katherine Kelly, Clinical Psychology, PsyD
Poster Titled: “Explorations of Unconscious Millisecond Timing in the Self-Disturbances of Schizophrenia”
Charles Scrantom, Clinical Psychology, PsyD
Poster Titled: “Relationships Between Horizontal Gratitude, Vertical Gratitude, Subjective Well-being, and Spiritual Well-being in the Sheltered Homeless”
Adam Stoker, Psychology MA
Poster Titled: “Gay and Persian: A Qualitative Study Investigating Levels of Familial Support in Iranian-American Gay Men”
Online Campus
Robin Arnall, Applied Behavior Analysis PhD
Poster Titled: “Using TAGTeach to Increase Skill Acquisition of Dance Movements”
Jennifer Quigley, Applied Behavior Analysis PhD
Poster Titled: “A Comparison of Modeling, Prompting, and a Multi-Component for Teaching Play Skills to Children with Developmental Disabilities”
Angela Swain, Business Psychology
Poster Titled: “The Relationship between Managers' Emotional Intelligence and Employee Voice”