​confidential Resources for survivors

The Chicago School offers as a benefit to its students and employees the following resources that provide professional counseling services.

For Students

Student Solutions is a free, confidential, around-the-clock counseling service available to all Chicago School students.​

For Employees

Chicago School employees may access counseling services through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which is available 24 ​​hours per day, 7 days per week.

Counselors who provide services to Chicago School Commu​​nity Members through EAP programs are not required to disclose reports of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. While professional and non-professional counselors and advocates may maintain a victim’s confidentiality vis-à-vis The Chicago School, they may have reporting or other obligations under state law. ​

For All Chicago School Community Members

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago provides Confidential Advisor services for The Chicago School. YWCA Chicago is a community-based sexual assault crisis center that offers free, confidential services that are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Chicago School community members may contact a Confidential Advisor at the YWCA Chicago via the hotline at 1-888-293-2080. To connect with a Confidential Advisor, a Community Member should call the hotline, identify themselves as a member of The Chicago School community, and ask for a Confidential Advisor. ​

All communications between a confidential advisor and a Complainant pertaining to an incident of sexual harassment including all records kept by the confidential advisor in the course of providing the Complainant with services related to the incident of sexual harassment shall remain confidential unless (1) the Complainant provides written consent for the disclosure of the communications; (2) failure to disclose would result in a clear, imminent risk of serious physical injury to or death of the Complainant or another person; or (3) failure to disclose would violate state or federal law.

Counselors from YWCA Metropolitan Chicago who provide services to Chicago School Community Members are not required to disclose reports of sexual harassment to The Chicago School’s Title IX Coordinator except to provide annual reports of the number and type of incidents reported exclusively to the confidential advisor. Such reports shall not contain any confidential information, including any personally identifiable information.​

National Resources for Survivors of Sexual MISCONDUCT

Office on Violence Against Women:  Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the Office on Violence Against Women is designed to reduce violence against women and strengthen resources for all survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. 
Phone: (202) 307-6026 

National Domestic Violence Hotline: Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides 24-hour support for people facing domestic violence. 
Phone: (800) 799-7233 or (800) 787-3224 (TTY for deaf/hard of hearing) 

Stalking Resource Center: Part of the National Center for Victims of Crime, the Stalking Resource Center provides assistance and guidance for those impacted by stalking. 

​Phone: (202) 467-8700 

NotAlone.gov: This government-sponsored website contains resources on responding to and preventing sexual assault in schools.  

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): This non-profit organization has a 24-hour hotline for anonymous support for people dealing with sexual assault and their friends and families. 
Phone: (800) 656-4673 (National Sexual Assault Hotline)​

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline: This nonprofit organization has a twenty-four-hour, toll-free confidential suicide prevention hotline. 
Phone: (800) 273-8255

Love Is Respect: The Love Is Respect website offers information on how to recognize dating violence and seek help. 
Phone: (866) 331-9474

Pandora's Project: Information about working with LGBTQIA and gender-nonconforming students and same-sex sexual violence. 
Phone: (612) 234-4204

Child Welfare Information Gateway: For information on local state laws regarding mandatory reporting and confidentiality. 
Phone: (800) 394-3366 ​​​​​

​​​Local Resources​​


YWCA Metropolitan Chicago is a community-based sexual assault crisis center and it offers free, confidential services that are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

820 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 550

Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: (312) 733-2102
24-Hour Hotline: (888) 293-2080

Email: [email protected]

To obtain a Confidential Advisor, please call the hotline, identify yourself as a member of The Chicago School Community, and ask for a Confidential Advisor. 

Resilience​ offers advocacy, counseling services, basic legal & medical information, and referrals to other service organizations to survivors.  

180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600

Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 443-9603
24-Hour Hotline: (888) 293-2080 
Fax: (312) 443-9602

Email: [email protected]​​​​

Mujeres Latinas En Acción provides support for adult survivors of sexual violence, both Spanish and English speaking, at many stages in their recovery through counseling, both individual and group, as well as medical advocacy, legal advocacy, community education, professional training and therapy.

2124 West 21st Place

Chicago, IL 60608

Phone: (773) 890-7676

Fax: (773) 890-7650

Email: [email protected]

Pillars Community Health provides multicultural and multilingual (English, Spanish, and Arabic) comprehensive services to adult and child survivors of sexual abuse or sexual assault such as: confidential 24-hour sexual assault hotline; crisis intervention; legal advocacy; medical advocacy; individual, group, family, and couples counseling (adults receive 10 sessions free, at which time they are asked to begin paying on a sliding fee scale based on income; children receive pro bono services); and community education and prevention.

333 North La Grange Road, Suite One - La Grange Park, IL 60526

Phone: (708) 745-5277

24-Hour Hotline: (708) 482-9600

Fax: (708) 698-5090

Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault provides crisis intervention and counseling services to survivors and significant others, advocates for survivors in the medical and criminal justice systems, promotes social change through education and prevention programs, reaches out to survivors in underserved groups in the community.

415 West Golf Road, Suite 47

Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Phone: (847) 806-6526

Hotline: (888) 802-8890

Email: [email protected]

Walk-in Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Nearest LGBTQ Resource Center

Anti-Violence Project (AVP)​​ at the Center on Halsted empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy. AVP at Center on Halsted provides comprehensive individual and community programs for survivor advocacy and support to LGBTQIA survivors of hate and bias violence, discrimination, intimate partner violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault. If you or someone you know has experienced violence, threats, or intimidation AVP can work with you to help ensure your safety and provide the support you need.​

3656 N Halsted

Chicago, IL 60613

Phone: (773) 472-6469

LGBTQ Violence Resource Line: (773) 871-CARE (2273)

Open Daily from 8am - 9pm​

Nearest Hospital Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor

Northwestern Memori​al Hospital
251 East Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: (312) 926-2000

Local Law Enforcement​


18th District - https://home.chicagopolice.org/about/police-districts/18th-district-near-north/ 

1160 North Larrabee Ave 
Chicago, IL 60610
Phone: (312) 742-5870
Fax: (312) 742-5771
TTY: (312)  742-5773
All Emergencies:  911 (TTY 911) 
Email: [email protected]

Twitter: ChicagoCAPS18​


Hope’s Door New Beginning Center's mission is to offer intervention and prevention solutions to individuals and families affected by intimate partner and family violence and to provide education programs that enhance the community’s capacity to respond.

Plano Outreach Location: 860 F Ave. Ste. 100 Plano, TX 75074​
24-Hour Hotline: 972-276-0057  
Contact Info: [email protected] / 972-422-2911

Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center offers a 24-hr hotline staffed by trained counselors. Accompanies survivors to police department, hospitals and courts. Offers short- and long-term counseling and therapeutic groups. Provides community education, risk education and prevention programs to Dallas county organizations, businesses and schools.

2801 Swiss Ave
Dallas, TX 7520
24 Hour Hotline: (972) 641-RAPE (7273)
Counseling Services: (214) 712-4900 (9 am to 5 pm)
Fax: (214) 903-4466

The Turning Point provides counseling, education, and advocacy for those impacted by sexual violence and delivers the highest quality of comprehensive treatment services for survivors of all forms of sexual violence and to set the standard for prevention education that promotes social change to end bullying, sexual harassment and sexual violence.

3325 Silverstone Dr.
Plano, TX 75023        
Phone: (972) 985-0951
Fax: (972) 612-2582
24 Hour Hotline: (800) 886-7273

Parkland Hospital Victim Intervention Program / Rape Crisis Center provides crisis support, counseling and advocacy.

200 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75235
Phone: 214-590-2926
24 Hour hotline: (214) 590-0430​

Brighter Tomorrows provides 24-hour crisis hotline, safe emergency shelter, adult and children's counseling, case management, and transitional housing to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

928 Bluebird Dr.
Irving, TX. 75061​
Phone: 972.254.4003
Fax: 972.254.80​86
24 Hour Hotline: (972) 262-8383​

Genesis Women's Shelter provides shelter, safety, counseling, and expert services to battered women and their children.

4411Lemmon Avenue, Suite 201​
Dallas, Texas 75219
Phone: 214.389.7700​
24-hour hotline: (214) 946-HELP (4357)

Mosaic Family Services a safe haven for survivors of human rights abuses, including human trafficking and domestic violence.  Mosaic offers legal representation, shelter, counseling, client advocacy, and community education to survivors of human rights abuses.

12225 Greenville Avenue, Suite 800
Dallas, Texas 75243
Phone: (214) 821-5393
Fax: (214) 821-0810
24-hour hotline: (214) 823-4434
Email: [email protected]

Nearest LGBTQ Resource Center​

Resource Center is the primary lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) and HIV/AIDS service organizations in North Texas. Through its health and medical services, the Center is a leader in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and services, always putting itself at the forefront in the battle against this epidemic. In addition, the Center provid​es a full continuum of STD prevention education, screenings and treatments.

Community Center*

5750 Cedar Springs Rd., Dallas, TX  75235
Phone: 214-521-5124
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 214-522-4604
Nelson-Tebedo Clinic*
4012 Cedar Springs, Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: 214-528-2336
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 214-528-8436

*This agency ​​provides general LGBTQ support services. ​

Nearest Hospital Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor

Texas Health Resources
6200 W Parker Rd. ​​
Plano, TX 75093​

Local Law Enforcement


7401 Windrose Avenue
Building D, Suite 120
Plano, TX 75024​​​
Phone: 972-424-5678​​
All Emergencies: 911 ​​

Email: [email protected]


Waymakers​ provides counseling, accompaniment, and advocacy for victims of rape and sexual abuse.   
  • North Orange County - (714) 834-4317

  • South Orange County - (949) 752-1971

  • Rape Crisis Hotline - (714) 957-2737

  • Domestic Violence Assistance Program -
    Temporary Restraining Order Assistance Resource and Referral Counseling - (714) 935-7956

  • Temporary Restraining Order Info line (Available 24 hours) - (714) 935-7956

  • CSP Dispute Resolution Services - Conflict Settlement through Mediation - (949) 851-3168

Waymakers offers victim services to alleviate the trauma and devastating effects on the lives of those touched by crime, mitigate emotional harm caused by acts of crime, provide resources to meet emergency needs, ease anxiety surrounding participation in the criminal justice system, create of safety plans, and assure victims' have a voice during criminal justice proceedings.

1221 East Dyer Road, Suite 120

Santa Ana, CA 92705

Phone: (949) 250-0488

Fax: (714) 540-1908

24 Hour Hotline: (714) 957-2737 or (949) 831-9110

Email: [email protected]

​YWCA Greater Los Angeles Seeking to improve the quality of life for those victimized by sexual assault, we strive to expand awareness in the community on issues related to sexual violence. In a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere, the YWCA GLA offers rape survivors the support they need and extends this support to family and friends. The program also strives to provide information on the rape trauma syndrome and refer survivors to appropriate medical, legal and social services.

South Bay Empowerment Center

920 Atlantic Ave., Suite 100

Long Beach, CA 90813

Phone: (562) 590-6400

24-Hour Hotline: (877) 943-5778

Email: [email protected]

Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center offers support and confidential services to sexual assault survivors of all ages and their families. Services include, but are not limited to a 24-hour Crisis Hotline, Hospital Advocacy, Court Accompaniment, Accompaniment to Law Enforcement Interviews, In-Person Crisis Counseling, Individual Therapy, Support Groups, and Self-Defense for Women and Children.  All services are free of charge.  

1845 Chicago Avenue, Suite A

Riverside, CA 92507

24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (951) 686-RAPE (7273)

Toll Free: (866) 686-7273

Fax: (951) 686-0839

Email: [email protected]

Nearest LGBTQ Resource Center

LGBT Center Orange County provides services to more than 10,000 individuals annually across a broad spectrum of culture, ethnicity, age, and economic background. Programming is especially designed for gay men, lesbians, youth, the transgender community, the Spanish-speaking LGBT community, the bisexual community, and LGBT families. The LGBT Center OC's mission is to advocate on behalf of the Orange County Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer/Questioning communities and provide services that ensure its well-being and positive identity.

LGBT Center Orange County (Main location)*

1605 N. Spurgeon Street

Santa Ana, CA 92701

Phone: (714) 953-LGBT (5428)

Fax: (714) 246-8907

Email: [email protected]

LGBT Center on 4th*

305 E. 4th Street

Santa Ana, CA 92701


*This agency ​​provides general LGBTQ support services.​

Nearest Hospital Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor

AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center
1111 W La Palma Ave
Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone: (714) 774-1450

Local Law Enforcement​


425 S. Harbour Blvd

Anaheim, CA 92805

Phone: 714-765-1900

All Emergencies: 911 

Twitter: Anaheimpd​

Los Angeles

Peace Over Violence offers services such as sexual and domestic violence, stalking, child abuse and youth violence prevention center offering services in the lines of emergency response, intervention, prevention, education, and advocacy.   

1015 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 955-9090
24-Hour Hotline: (213) 626-3393
Fax: (213) 955-9093
Email: [email protected] 

YWCA Greater Los Angeles Seeking to improve the quality of life for those victimized by sexual assault, we strive to expand awareness in the community on issues related to sexual violence. In a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere, the YWCA GLA offers rape survivors the support they need and extends this support to family and friends. The program also strives to provide information on the rape trauma syndrome and refer survivors to appropriate medical, legal and social services.

1020 S. Olive Street, 7th Floor

Los Angeles 90015

Phone: (213) 365-2991

24 Hour Hotline: (877) 943-5778

Email: [email protected]

Project Sister provides crisis services offered to women, men and children of all ages who have been sexually assaulted and to their non-offending family members.​

Center for the Pacific-Asian Family, Inc. helps Asian and Pacific Islander (API) survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their families.  Their services are free, confidential, and available in more than 30 Asian and Pacific Islander languages.

Community Center/Administrative Office (co-located with Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles)

3424 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #1000

Los Angeles, CA 90010

Phone: (323) 653-4045

24 Hour/Multilingual Hotline: (800) 339-3940

Email: [email protected]

Nearest LGBTQ Resource Center

Los Angeles LGBT Center offers programs, services, and global advocacy that span four broad categories: Health, Social Services and Housing, Culture and Education, Leadership and Advocacy.

McDonald/Wright Building

1625 N. Schrader Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90028-6213

Phone: (323) 993-7400

Fax: (323) 993-7699

Mi Centro*

553 S. Clarence St.
Los Angeles, California, 90033
Phone: (323) 286-7224

*This agency provides general LGBTQ support services. 

Nearest Hospitals Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor

LA County USC Medical Center
2051 Marengo St.
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Phone: (323) 409-1000 

​Local Law Enforcement​​

Central Community - http://www.lapdonline.org/central_community_police_station

251 E. 6th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Phone: (213) 486-6606 
TTY:   (213) 485-9819
All Emergencies: 911 

Twitter: LAPDCentralArea​​​


YWCA is a community-based sexual assault crisis center and offers free, confidential services that are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. To obtain a confidential advisor, please call the hotline, identify yourself as a member of The Chicago School ​Community, and ask for a confidential advisor.

24-Hour Hotline: (888) 293-2080
Email: [email protected]

Office on Violence Against Women:  Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the Office on Violence Against Women is designed to reduce violence against women and strengthen resources for all survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. 

Phone: (202) 307-6026 

National Domestic Violence Hotline: Established by the Violence Against Women Act, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides twenty-four hour support for people facing domestic violence. 

Phone: (800) 799-7233 or (800) 787-3224 (TTY for Deaf/hard of hearing) 

Stalking Resource Center: Part of the National Center for Victims of Crime, the Stalking Resource Center provides assistance and guidance for those impacted by stalking. 
Phone: (202) 467-8700 

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN): This nonprofit organization has a twenty-four-hour hotline for anonymous support for people dealing with sexual assault and their friends and families. 

Phone: (800) 656.4673 (National Sexual Assault Hotline)

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline: This nonprofit organization has a twenty-four-hour, toll-free confidential suicide prevention hotline. 

Phone: (800) 273-8255

Love Is Respect: The Love Is Respect website offers information on how to recognize dating violence and seek help. 

Phone: (866) 331-9474

Pandora's Project: Information about working with LGBTQIA and gender-nonconforming students and same-sex sexual violence. 

Phone: (612) 234-4204

Child Welfare Information Gateway:​ For information on local state laws regarding mandatory reporting and confidentiality. 

Phone: (800) 394-3366 ​​

San Diego

SART -the Sexual Assault Respo​nse Team of San Diego County, is a victim-sensitive program designed to provide a team approach to responding to sexual assaults in our community.  

If you need guidance and assistance please call one of the resources:

  • Women's Resource Center (WRC): 760-757-3500

  • Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN): 800-656-HOPE (4673)

Center for Community Solutions​ operates the only rape crisis center in the city of San Diego along with a countywide 24-hour bilingual crisis helpline. The nonprofit agency also provides emergency domestic violence shelters, hospital and court accompaniment, as well as legal and counseling services for those affected by domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. CCS also works with local community groups and schools to provide innovative prevention programs to promote healthy relationships and peaceful communities.

4508 Mission Bay Dr

San Diego, California 92109-4919

Phone: (858) 272-5777

24 Hour Hotline: 1-888-385-4657

Email: [email protected]

Women's Resource Center (WRC)​ is dedicated to providing the highest quality supportive services, counseling, shelter and education to North San Diego County women, children and men involved in or threatened by domestic violence or sexual assault. Through Women's Resource Center's education of future generations, victim empowerment and community awareness, we will create an environment where domestic violence and sexual assault are neither tolerated nor accepted.

1963 Apple St.

Oceanside, CA 92054

Phone: (760) 547-8800

24-Hour Hotline: (760) 757-3500

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 5 PM

Nearest LGBTQ Resource Center

The San Diego LGBT Community Center provides activities, programs and services that create community; empower community members; provide essential resources; advocate for civil and human rights; and embrace, promote and support our cultural diversity. The mission of The San Diego LGBT Community Center is to enhance and sustain the health and well-being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and HIV communities.

Centre Street - Hillcrest*

3909 Centre Street

San Diego, CA 92103

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9am-9pm; Saturday 9am-7pm

Phone: (619) 692-2077

Fax: (619) 260-3092

Behavioral Health Services*

3909 Centre Street

San Diego, CA 92103

Hours of Operation: Monday- Thursday, 9am-9pm; Friday, 9am-5pm

Phone: (619) 692-2077 x 208

Fax: (619) 718-6447

*This agency provides general LGBTQ support services. 

Nearest Hospital Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor

Nearest Hospital Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor 

Palomar Medical Center Poway
15615 Pomerado Rd.
Poway, CA 92064
Phone: (760) 739-2150 

Local Law Enforcement​


1401 Broadway

San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: (619)-531-2000 or (858)-484-3154

All Emergencies: 911 

Twitter: SanDiegoPD 

Washington, D.C.

​​DC Rape Crisis Center provides survivor-centered, and community led advocacy through therapeutic services, training and technical assistance, community education, public policy initiatives, volunteer opportunities, individual and group counseling (English and Spanish), 24-hour crisis hotline, public policy and legislative initiatives, and undergraduate and graduate internship opportunities.​

1625 K Street NW, #700
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: (202) 232-0789
24 Hour Hotline: (202) 333-7273
Fax: (202) 387-3812 
Email: [email protected]  

The Women's Center counsels and advocates for hundreds of survivors of domestic violence each year. The Center also partners with the Office of Victim Services in Washington, DC to offer free counseling and support to residents at both of Virginia and DC locations. Services include: Emotional Support & Counseling, Information & Referral, Victim Advocacy, Crisis Intervention, and Support Groups.

In Northern Virginia:

133 Park St NE

Vienna, VA 22180

Phone: (703) 281-2657 (TTY: 711)

Fax: (703) 242-1454

[email protected]​​

In Washington, DC:

1025 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 310

Washington, DC 20005

Phone: (202) 293-4580

Fax: (202) 293-4583

Services are available Monday – Friday, by appointment

Nearest LGBTQ Resource Center

The DC Center for the LGBT Community educates, empowers, celebrates, and connects the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. To fulfill our mission, we focus on four core areas: health and wellnessarts & culturesocial & peer support, and advocacy and community building.

2000 14th Street NW, Suite 105

Washington, DC 20009

Phone: (202) 682-2245

Email: [email protected]

Nearest Hospital Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor

MedStar Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving St. NW
Washington, DC 20010
Phone: ( 855) 546-1686

Local Law Enforcement​

3rd District - http://mpd c.dc.gov/page/welcome-third-district 
1620 V Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 673-6815
Fax: (202) 673-7630
All Emergencies: 911 

Twitter: DCPoliceDept​​

Xavier University of Louisiana (XULA)​

The New Orleans Health Department (NOHD) Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program (DV & SA Program) leads the city's response to domestic violence and sexual assault by coordinating community-based and criminal justice partnerships and programs, providing training & technical assistance, supporting prevention programming for families impacted by violence, and advocating for policies that support survivors.

For assistance, please call 311 or email: [email protected]​. ​

New Orleans Family Justice Center offers various services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. These on-site services are provided through a partnership with the following agencies: advocacy, counseling, children & youth, social change/public policy, emergency safe housing, education/employment, transitional housing, violence prevention, and other partner services dedicated to ending family violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and stalking through prevention and coordinated response by providing comprehensive client-centered, empowerment services in a single location.

New Orleans Family Justice Center

701 Loyola Avenue, Suite 201

New Orleans, LA 70150

Phone: (504) 592-4005

Hotline: (504) 866-9554

Metro Centers for Community Advocacy provides services for survivors of trauma through trauma-informed care. As an agency Metro constantly researches best practices to seek new ways to assist survivors. Metro Centers for Community Advocacy wants to help families regain their physical and emotional strength, resulting in empowerment and transformation. As survivors become stronger, the community is strengthened. Metro is also active in community education and outreach, operating on the premise that an informed public makes for a safer and more concerned citizenry. All services are free and confidential.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (504) 837-5400

Toll-Free: (888) 411-1333

Appointments Available:

Jefferson Parish, Orleans Parish, St. Tammany and River Parishes​

Nearest LGBTQ Resource Center

The Spectru​m Center serves as a host location for meetings for various groups affiliated with the LGBTQ+ community. Currently we have free HIV testing, and other health-related functions through collaboration with the greater community; social functions and support groups. However, long-term plans include providing counseling, a community kitchen and pantry; and short-term emergency housing for LGBTQ+ youth who have been displaced.

​210 South 25th Avenue*

Hattiesburg, Mississippi, 39401

Phone: (601) 310-6185

Email: [email protected]

*This agency provides general LGBTQ support services. 

Nearest Hospital Equipped to Examine a Sexual Assault Survivor

University Medical Center New Orleans
2000 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 702-3000

Local Law Enforcement​

University Police - http://www.xula.edu/university-police/

3801 S Carrollton Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: (504) 520-7490 
All Emergencies: 911 ​

These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by The Chicago School​ of any of the resources or organizations listed. The Chicago School bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. ​​Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.