Chicago School Community Members may make a report to the Title IX Coordinator, local law enforcement, or a Chicago School Responsible Employee. The Chicago School encourages those impacted by sexual harassment to talk to someone identified in one or more of these groups.
While Chicago School community members are encouraged to use their own judgment in terms of whom they choose to discuss reports of sexual harassment with, community members must understand that The Chicago School can only respond to incidents that it is aware of. A Complainant who at first requests confidentiality may later decide to file a complaint with The Chicago School or report the incident to local law enforcement, and thus have the incident fully investigated.
It is important to preserve evidence as it may be necessary in providing proof of criminal activity or in obtaining a protection order. Evidence is best collected as soon as possible or at least within 96 hours of the assault. Assistance with evidence preservation can be provided by medical and/or law enforcement personnel.
How to Make a Report to The Chicago School
Chicago School Community Members should report incidents of sexual harassment to The Chicago School’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator is:
A Complainant is not required to report to law enforcement to receive assistance from or pursue any options within The Chicago School. A Complainant has the option to notify law enforcement authorities, to receive assistance from The Chicago School in notifying such authorities, or to decline to notify law enforcement authorities. Also, a Complainant may file both a criminal complaint and a Title IX report.
Chicago School Community Members who have experienced sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking or other sexual violence or are aware of such incidents experienced by other Chicago School Community Members should make an immediate report to the local police department and should seek medical attention. For information about how to make a report to local law enforcement or campus security or law enforcement for a specific Chicago School location, visit the Title IX website. Information on the nearest medical facility for each campus is located on the Title IX website.
Note that seeking medical attention is necessary to mitigate the risk of sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy and to determine the existence of any physical injuries as well as the extent of any such injuries or required treatment. Additionally, forensic evidence can be collected if criminal action is or may be desired in the future. Note that it is important to preserve evidence as it may be necessary to provide proof of criminal activity or in obtaining a protective order. Evidence is best collected as soon as possible or within 96 hours of an assault. Assistance with evidence preservation can be provided by medical and/or law enforcement personnel. Note that federal law requires that a medical forensic examination be provided free of charge to a person who has been the survivor of sexual violence.
Reporting sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to the police does not commit the Complainant to further legal action. However, the earlier an incident is reported, the easier it will be for law enforcement to investigate if the Complainant decides to proceed with criminal charges.
Options for Confidential Reporting
Chicago School Community Members may speak with an external confidential resource.
The YWCA Metropolitan Chicago is a community-based sexual assault crisis center that offers free, confidential services that are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. A counselor is available by calling 888.293.2080. A Chicago School Community Member should identify themselves as a member of the school community and ask for a confidential counselor.
Phone: 888.293.2080
Students: Student Solutions: Student Solutions is a free, confidential, around-the-clock counseling service available to all Chicago School students.
Phone: 855.460.6668
Web identifier: TCSPP
Employees: Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Chicago School employees may receive counseling services through the EAP, which is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Phone: 800.272.7255
Web identifier: COM589
Reporting to Law Enforcement
Sexual harassment may constitute a violation of both the law and school policy. The Chicago School encourages students and employees to report alleged crimes promptly to local law enforcement agencies. All persons have the right to make a report to law enforcement, as well as the right to decline to make a report to law enforcement. The decision not to report to law enforcement shall not be considered as evidence that there was not a violation of The Chicago School policy. Local resources for community members located near a Chicago School campus can be found on the Title IX website.