Global Distinction bestows honorable recognition to students for their commitment to a global perspective. It is an opportunity for students to show their commitment to global engagement through participation in a regimen of international courses and events at The Chicago School. Participation in the program provides one way for a student to actively contribute to the shrinking of cultural divides by learning to understand themselves in the context of the world today and to use this knowledge to effectively engage across diverse cultures. To receive recognition, participants compile a portfolio consisting of three components:
A student who successfully completes the program is:
To apply, a student must:
Program Portfolio Components
Experience: Complete a reflection for four or more the following (any combination of activities is acceptable):
Deadline: To allow sufficient time for review, all Global Distinction requirements are must be completed and submitted at least four weeks prior to the end of the term/semester in which the student will complete degree requirements. Late submissions will not be accepted.